Eve Lewis CounsellingBlackmore End, nr St Albans and Harpenden

About Counselling

Counselling is a two-way process between the counsellor and client - the client is very much an active participant and will have individual, personal goals from therapy. As a professional counsellor I am fully present with my clients, offering empathy and attuned listening skills to help you feel supported and understood in a safe environment. Counselling aims to help clients to resolve their issues, to enhance their self-understanding, to recognise any patterns of behaviour which are self-destructive, and to equip them with the resilience to improve their own lives. It is not a case of the counsellor 'fixing' the client; rather I will work towards guiding you to find solutions. Talking to a trained counsellor is very different to chatting with a friend. Counsellors use supported interventions and interpersonal skills to help facilitate changes in their client's lives, and confidentiality is guaranteed, meaning there is no fear of personal information being shared. Counselling offers a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings in a non-judgemental environment, with the support of a skilled professional.

What Conditions Can it Help?

Counselling can help a full range of conditions. It can be very beneficial to people experiencing mental health issues such as depression, panic attacks or anxiety, as talking therapy can really help establish the roots of these issues and to work on coping strategies. It can help support those who are going through a bereavement, whether this is the actual loss of a loved one or possibly the end of a relationship or career - these are all 'losses' which can have a huge emotional impact and which counselling can support. It is also helpful to those struggling with relationship issues, self-esteem, addiction, identity/gender issues, and there are many other examples. It is hard to create a definitive list, as every client brings their own history and experiences into the counselling room, and there is rarely one single issue to be resolved. Counselling can therefore benefit every one of us, as we all appreciate feeling heard and understood by someone who really wants to help create positive change.

What Benefits can be Expected?

Counselling can help to bring about truly positive changes. It can offer clients new ways of thinking about situations, more awareness of their thoughts and feelings (and how this impacts on their behaviour), the ability to see things from different perspectives, a greater ability to regulate and cope with their feelings, and the resilience to make changes to their thoughts and actions that will result in a happier way of life.
Counselling cannot guarantee to 'fix' the issues a client presents, and it is important to understand that. A large part of the success of therapy depends upon the client's willingness to engage in the process, and to implement the necessary changes that counselling may uncover.

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